Blended Mobility
Innovative Education
in the Digital Era
We will guide the audience through a hands-on session in which we will start our computational journey from scientific principles.
We will explore the basic binary language and the power of linguistics and mathematics to represent and manipulate knowledge in computers.
Blended Mobility
Teaching Computation
The 1st Cycle
The methodology focuses on learning without computer resources (unplugged) and is initiated through stories, with captivating characters implicitly linked to computer science subjects. Learning thus creates emotional connections with students that allow computational themes to be explored in a fun and pedagogically effective way. In other words, at early ages knowledge begins to be acquired subliminally and indirectly, becoming progressively more explicit and direct as the years progress.
In the last two years of the 1st cycle, the methodology seeks to leverage computer science teaching in learning mathematics altogether with the first plugged classes.
Blended Mobility
Teaching Computation
The 2nd Cycle
During the 2nd cycle, our methodology shifts its focus towards learning both with and without computer resources. We will delve deeper into how programming languages are used to instruct computers. In particular, we will examine important data structures such as lists, pairs, dictionaries, and graphs, developing a solid understanding of how they function and how they can be applied to real-world problems.
With this knowledge at our disposal, we will work to model and solve a variety of basic yet practical challenges, gaining valuable experience in applying computational thinking to everyday scenarios. By the end of this cycle, students will have acquired a rich set of skills and tools that they can continue to build upon in their further studies of computer science and related fields.
Blended Mobility
Teaching Computation
The 3rd Cycle
This session will be an in depth exploration of the Open EDG Python coding resources provided by the Cisco NetAcad platform. During this three hours, you will explore how Python is used, how Cisco Packet Tracer offers some interesting opportunities and how you can code in the Edube Sandbox with worked examples.